So You’re Giving a “DEI Talk”: 5 Critical Steps to Maximize Your Impact

Congratulations! You’ve been asked to give a DEI Talk! Now what….? In the last 24 months, I have delivered over 60 lectures(!) on health equity, diversity, and/or inclusion outside of my own department. Although there was some overlap in the subject matter presented, each experience was unique in its own right. The number of requests…Read More

Debunking DEI Myths

Fellow Leaders: I have a new addition for your leadership toolboxes! Navigating this current landscape requires all of us to be well-versed in the literature, including the current body of evidence allows us to engage in critical conversations with confidence — and with compelling data. The “It’s the Right Thing to Do!” moral imperative argument…Read More

A Prediction Manifested: 5 Ways Diversity & Inclusion Help Companies Before, During, & After the Pandemic

As we gear up to celebrate some amazing milestones for ODLC, I have been going through our gigantic archive of resources. I came across a Forbes article written by Paolo Gaudiano in April of 2020, i.e. before the murder of George Floyd ignited a global movement. In this article, the author postulated that companies prioritizing…Read More

Why Some Diversity Programs Backfire (And What You Can Do About It)

In 2016, one of my favorite leadership mentors sent me an article that had been published in Harvard Business Review (HBR), entitled: “Why Diversity Programs Fail.” He wanted to know my thoughts on whether a new mandatory DEI training that was being discussed would be helpful or harmful to our constituents. The research published in…Read More

Don’t Be A Statistic: Leveraging ODLC for Your Sustainability

A recent study published in JAMA Network posed the question: “What are the experiences of leaders in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at US academic health centers?” Through focus group interviews of senior-level DEI leaders across the country, they identied four consistent themes of complexity that jeopardized the effectiveness and sustainability of these leadership roles….Read More

Stay the Course: It’s Working!

SPOILER ALERT! Companies Are Ramping Up Investments in DEI Staying the course in leading health equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts is easier said than done. Between the political and legislative challenges, divisive rhetoric, and resultant doubt and fear, it is understandable that many question whether or not DEI work is a dying art. GOOD NEWS:…Read More

Meet Me at The Crossroads: Understanding Intersectionality

Coined by Dr. Kimberle Crenshaw in 1989, the term “intersectionality” is just now gaining more traction in our healthcare equity, diversity, and inclusion discussions. Fundamentally, intersectionality is a metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage compound to create an entirely different experience that brings a greater dynamic of oppression. The…Read More

Old School Flavor Meets New School Vibe

I love a good mash-up of old school and new school music. The soulful tones of one era combine beautifully with the rhythmic relevance of modern forms (think Michael McDonald + Warren G), with both elements relating to the cultural realities of their time. As leaders, we often focus on diversity and inclusion on the…Read More

View Your Efforts With A Critical Lens

This. Article. Right. Here. —> What Needs to Change About DEI – And What Doesn’t by Lily Zheng Click the image ^above to open the article in a new tab. Many of you may have noticed that my tagline for 2024 has been “Translating Promises to Practice” (Trademark pending… 🙂). This article from the Harvard…Read More

It’s Juneteenth! What does that mean to you?

On June 19th, 1865, enslaved African-Americans in Texas were notified that they were free—more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Over 150 years later, one way we commemorate this event is through our continuous journey toward equity. For some, Juneteenth represents a time to celebrate and uplift African-American culture and families. For…Read More
